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How to choose the best leather strap for your watch

When it comes to choosing and combining watch straps, there is a lot to consider: the brand and type of watch, the material of the belt, the security that is required of the strap, and how they watch and strap will be used. Whether you have a classic or sporty watch, the right leather strap will turn your old clock into a stylish fashion accessory thanks to leather’s versatility. Compared to other materials, a leather strap manages to give us style and elegance without attracting attention. This classic material has been able to go beyond traditional colors, offering different possibilities according to fashion. As a general rule, belts intended for women are usually up to one centimeter thinner than those for men. But the type of skin used is extensive, allowing this fine complement to go along with our style.

Leather is a natural and delicate material from living beings. Therefore, it can present variations or irregularities in its tone and textures because being natural can not be two completely equal pieces of leather. Even in a single sheet of skin from the same animal, differences in texture and color can be seen between some parts. The skin from the skirt does not have the same thickness and texture as the animal’s neck. This uniformity of texture and color is given only in plastic materials. The existence of variations or irregularities in its tonality guarantees its originality. This is especially important when it comes to colors.

In the leather used in the Speedmaster leather strap from Horus Watch Straps, the tanning process is carried out based on tannins and other plant-origin elements. The tannin oxidizes with air and light, so a leather tanned with vegetable materials will darken over time in a similar way to a piece of wood, only more quickly. This, which can give a nice patina to some leather objects, can ruin others’ dyeing. This type of leather is not stable in water; it has to fade, and if soaked and then left to dry, it hardens and becomes rougher and more rigid.

The Patent and matte finishes are obtained by tanning in the leather finishing process by adding varnishes based on PVC or polyurethane. This may confuse some users as to whether or not the material used is leather. For this reason, the Speedmaster leather strap from Horus Watch Straps usually adds a piece of leather to the buckle so that the user can check the material they are purchasing.

If you want to buy a belt, make sure that they are made of anti-allergic materials and respectful of your health and the environment. Most Speedmaster leather straps from Horus Watch Strapshave have stainless steel buckles, although some classic models, Mount aluminum buckle, are also anti-allergic. In any case, all must comply with the certifications on products intended to be in direct and prolonged contact with the skin.

Some suppliers have exotic skins from farmed animals and, therefore, scrupulously comply with regulations when required. You can find belts of lizard, crocodile, alligator, iguana, snake, manta ray, and some other species with them. For the more daring, you will find different materials, colors, and designs.

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